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Dr. Ingunn Johanne Ness

 Creativity & Innovation Specialist

How can organizations become more innovative?

How to lead creative processes?

How to stimulate creativity in teams?

What characterizes the creative knowledge processes that lead to innovation?

How to make group work succeed?

What underlying conditions must be present in a group to succeed with innovation?

Creativity as 21. Century Skills - how to stimulate creativity in education?

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The Room of Opportunity - is our philosophy and based on research conducted in innovative organizations.

It is also a model describing six phases of Innovative Idea development.

Creativity & Innovation is what we all strive for, both in schools and in industry. 

Our knowledge society is changing rapidly and organizations need to stay competetive in order to survive - also our young children need skills to cope in the 21. Century with new challenges, both social and global.

Creativity is an important skill.

Research shows that creativity&innovation do not happen "by coincidence" and that  there are ways to become more innovative!

So don´t miss the Opportunity to learn more..!

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If you like to learn more on how your organization can become more innovative, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Papers & Book chapters




Glaveanu, Vlad; Corazza, Giovanni, Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2023): Dialogical Provocations: A Creative Trialogue. I: Creative Provocations: Speculations on the Future of Creativity, Technology & Learning. Springer

Baerheim, Anders; Eriksen, Elin, Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2022): Team Reflexivity and the Shared Mind in Interprofessional Learning. Policy Futures in Education. 

Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2021) Reflexivity and expansive learning theory in interprofessional workplace learning. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Vol. 35(6) pp. 878-883

Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2021) Polyphony. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan 2021 ISBN 978-3-319-98390-5.

Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Raaheim, Arild (2021). Reflexivity in Interprofessional Workplace Learning. International Journal of Social Policy & Education. Vol. 3(6) pp. 68-74

Lundberg, Gunhild Marie; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). First year students' imagination of future employment: identity as an important employability aspect. Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference pp. 1-7 NTNU


Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). Ricoeur’s triple mimesis and the zone of proximal development in the learning processes of interprofessional student teams. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. Vol. 2(2) pp. 86-91.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). Diversity: Key to creative processes in interdisciplinary teams. SIETAR Switzerland The first-class Postbuzz 


Dysthe, Olga; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kirkegaard, Preben Olund. (2020). Dialogisk pædagogik som deltagende læring. In: Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim 2020 ISBN 9788772044323.


Dysthe, Olga; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kirkegaard, Preben Olund (2020) Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim(ISBN 9788772044323) 386 pages


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020) Polyfoni og kreative vidensprocesser i klasserummet og i videregående uddannelser. In: Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim ISBN 9788772044323. pp. 113-143


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020) Zone of Proximal Development. In: Glăveanu V. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham


Danielsen, Anne G.; Diseth, Åge Røssing; Stray, Janicke Heldal; Kvello, Øyvind; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Sætra, Emil (2020). Elevens beste og pedagogiske perspektiver - en analyse. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds). Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0. pp. 284-307


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Danielsen, Anne Grete (2020) Sosiokulturell teori - Vygotsky, Lave og Wenger. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds). Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0


Egelandsdal, Kjetil; . (2020) «Læring som praksis» - John Deweys pragmatisme. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds).  Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk  ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0. pp. 61-77


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Creativity, Learning and Technology: Opportunities, Challenges and New Horizons. Creativity Research Journal, 32(1), 1-3. DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2020.1712167


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Creative Learning in Digital and Virtual Environments Opportunities and Challenges of Technology-Enabled Learning and Creativity. Routledge (ISBN 9780367556754) 196 pages


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre., Ness, Ingunn Johanne. Rasmussen, Ludvig. (2020): Creative success in collaboration: A sociocultural perspective. In Creative Success in Teams. Ed. Roni Reiter-Palmon, James C. Kaufman, and Alexander McKay, Academic Press.


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Introduction: Creativity, Learning and Technology in the Age of the Pandemic. In: Creative Learning in Digital and Virtual Environments Opportunities and Challenges of Technology-Enabled Learning and Creativity. Routledge ISBN 9780367556754.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Dysthe, Olga (2020). Polyphonic Imagination: Understanding Idea Generation in Multidisciplinary Groups as a Multivoiced Stimulation of Fantasy. Creativity Research Journal, 32(1), pp. 1-11.


Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Ludvigsen, Kristine; Clicker Interventions in Large Lectures in Higher Education. In: Michael Spector,


Barbara Lockee, Marcus Childress (Eds.)  Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, pp. 1-22: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 978-3-319-17727-4.


Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Smith, Maria; Hansen, Cecilie Johanne Slokvik; ; Wasson, Barbara (2019). Adaptiv læring i matematikk: empirisk rapport om Multi Smart Øving i grunnskolen. SLATE Research Report 2019-4, Bergen: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN: 978-82-93789-02-4 )


Ferguson, Rebecca; Coughlan, Tim; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Gaved, Mark; Herodotou, Christothea; Hillaire, Garron; Jones, Derek; Jowers, Iestyn; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; McAndrew, Patrick; Misiejuk, Kamila; ; Rienties, Bart; Scanlon, Eileen; Sharples, Mike; Wasson, Barbara; Weller, Martin; Whitelock, Denise (2019). Innovating Pedagogy 2019. Open University Innovation Report 7. Milton Keynes: The Open University (ISBN 9781473028333) 43 pages


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Hanchett Hanson, Michael; Baer, John; Barbot, Baptiste; Clapp, Edward P; Corazza, Giovanni; Hennessey, Beth; Kaufman, James C.; Lebuda, Izabela; Lubart, Todd; Montuori, Alfonso; ; Plucker, Jonathan; Reiter-Palmon, Roni; Sierra, Zayda; Simonton, Dean Keith; Souza Nevez Pereira, Monica; Sternberg, Robert J. (2019). Advancing Creativity Theory and Research: A Socio-cultural Manifesto. , Vol. 53(4), pp. 443-456


Ludvigsen, Kristine; Timmis, Sue (2019). Writing on the wall: How the use of technology can open dialogical spaces in lectures. Thinking Skills and Creativity, pp. 1-18


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Glaveanu, Vlad (2019). Polyphonic Orchestration: The Dialogical Nature of Creativity. In: Ronald A. Beghetto, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza (Eds.) Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions for Theory, Research, and Practice in Education, pp. 189-206. City: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 978-3-319-99163-4.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2019) Behind the Scenes: How to Research Creative Processes in Multidisciplinary Groups. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research. Palgrave Macmillan 2019 ISBN 978-3-319-95497-4. pp. 353-372


Samuelsson, Martin Per; (2019). Apophatic Listening. A Response to Deliberating Public Policy Issues with Adolescents: Classroom Dynamics and Sociocultural Considerations.  27(1), pp. 1-5.


Glăveanu, Vlad-Petre., , Wasson, B., & Lubart, T. (2018). Sociocultural Perspectives on Creativity, Learning, and Technology. In C. Mullin (Ed.) Creativity Under Duress in Education? Creativity Theory and Action in Education, 3, pp. 63-82. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Egelandsdal, Kjetil (2018). STEPRE – model: Facilitating knowledge development in student groups in Higher Education. In: F. Guribye, S. Selander, A. Åkerfeldt, N. Bergdahl, T. Cerrato-Pargman, & B. Wasson (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Designs for Learning Conference. Norway, 40-46. Bergen, Norway. ISBN 978-82-8088-416-9


Ness, Ingunn Johanne. Polyphonic orchestration - facilitating creative knowledge processes for innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management 2017, 20(4), pp. 557-577.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2016). The Room of Opportunity. Understanding how knowledge and ideas are constructed in multidisciplinary groups working with developing innovative ideas. PhD dissertation. University of Bergen. ISBN 978-82-308-3190-8


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Riese, Hanne (2015). Openness, curiosity and respect: Underlying conditions for developing innovative knowledge and ideas between disciplines. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 6, pp. 29-39


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Søreide, Gunn Elisabeth (2014). The Room of Opportunity: Understanding phases of creative knowledge processes in innovation. Journal of Workplace Learning, 26(8), pp. 545-560

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2019: Co-editor: Antology, KLIM forlag, Dialogic Pedagogy, Creativity, and Learning

2018/2019: Co-editor: Special Issue in The Creativity Research Journal (Ed. Mark Runco)

2018 – (present) Section Editor for the Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible.

2017-10 – (present) Associate Editor: The European Journal of Psychology.

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