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Dr. Ingunn Johanne Ness

 Creativity & Innovation Specialist

How can organizations become more innovative?


How to lead creative processes?


How to stimulate creativity in teams?​

What characterizes the creative knowledge processes that lead to innovation?


How to make group work succeed?


What underlying conditions must be present in a group to succeed with innovation?




Creativity as 21. Century Skills - how to stimulate creativity in education?


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The Room of Opportunity - is our philosophy and based on research conducted in innovative organizations.

It is also a model describing six phases of Innovative Idea development.


Creativity & Innovation is what we all strive for, both in schools and in industry. 


Our knowledge society is changing rapidly and organizations need to stay competetive in order to survive - also our young children need skills to cope in the 21. Century with new challenges, both social and global.


Creativity is an important skill.


Research shows that creativity&innovation do not happen "by coincidence" and that  there are ways to become more innovative!


So don´t miss the Opportunity to learn more..!



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If you like to learn more on how your organization can become more innovative, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Papers & Book chapters




Glaveanu, Vlad; Corazza, Giovanni, Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2023): Dialogical Provocations: A Creative Trialogue. I: Creative Provocations: Speculations on the Future of Creativity, Technology & Learning. Springer


Baerheim, Anders; Eriksen, Elin, Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2022): Team Reflexivity and the Shared Mind in Interprofessional Learning. Policy Futures in Education. 


Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2021) Reflexivity and expansive learning theory in interprofessional workplace learning. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Vol. 35(6) pp. 878-883


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2021) Polyphony. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan 2021 ISBN 978-3-319-98390-5.


Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Raaheim, Arild (2021). Reflexivity in Interprofessional Workplace Learning. International Journal of Social Policy & Education. Vol. 3(6) pp. 68-74


Lundberg, Gunhild Marie; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). First year students' imagination of future employment: identity as an important employability aspect. Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference pp. 1-7 NTNU


Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). Ricoeur’s triple mimesis and the zone of proximal development in the learning processes of interprofessional student teams. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. Vol. 2(2) pp. 86-91.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). Diversity: Key to creative processes in interdisciplinary teams. SIETAR Switzerland The first-class Postbuzz 


Dysthe, Olga; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kirkegaard, Preben Olund. (2020). Dialogisk pædagogik som deltagende læring. In: Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim 2020 ISBN 9788772044323.


Dysthe, Olga; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kirkegaard, Preben Olund (2020) Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim(ISBN 9788772044323) 386 pages


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020) Polyfoni og kreative vidensprocesser i klasserummet og i videregående uddannelser. In: Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim ISBN 9788772044323. pp. 113-143


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020) Zone of Proximal Development. In: Glăveanu V. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham


Danielsen, Anne G.; Diseth, Åge Røssing; Stray, Janicke Heldal; Kvello, Øyvind; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Sætra, Emil (2020). Elevens beste og pedagogiske perspektiver - en analyse. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds). Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0. pp. 284-307


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Danielsen, Anne Grete (2020) Sosiokulturell teori - Vygotsky, Lave og Wenger. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds). Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0


Egelandsdal, Kjetil; . (2020) «Læring som praksis» - John Deweys pragmatisme. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds).  Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk  ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0. pp. 61-77


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Creativity, Learning and Technology: Opportunities, Challenges and New Horizons. Creativity Research Journal, 32(1), 1-3. DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2020.1712167


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Creative Learning in Digital and Virtual Environments Opportunities and Challenges of Technology-Enabled Learning and Creativity. Routledge (ISBN 9780367556754) 196 pages


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre., Ness, Ingunn Johanne. Rasmussen, Ludvig. (2020): Creative success in collaboration: A sociocultural perspective. In Creative Success in Teams. Ed. Roni Reiter-Palmon, James C. Kaufman, and Alexander McKay, Academic Press.


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Introduction: Creativity, Learning and Technology in the Age of the Pandemic. In: Creative Learning in Digital and Virtual Environments Opportunities and Challenges of Technology-Enabled Learning and Creativity. Routledge ISBN 9780367556754.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Dysthe, Olga (2020). Polyphonic Imagination: Understanding Idea Generation in Multidisciplinary Groups as a Multivoiced Stimulation of Fantasy. Creativity Research Journal, 32(1), pp. 1-11.


Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Ludvigsen, Kristine; Clicker Interventions in Large Lectures in Higher Education. In: Michael Spector,


Barbara Lockee, Marcus Childress (Eds.)  Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, pp. 1-22: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 978-3-319-17727-4.


Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Smith, Maria; Hansen, Cecilie Johanne Slokvik; ; Wasson, Barbara (2019). Adaptiv læring i matematikk: empirisk rapport om Multi Smart Øving i grunnskolen. SLATE Research Report 2019-4, Bergen: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN: 978-82-93789-02-4 )


Ferguson, Rebecca; Coughlan, Tim; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Gaved, Mark; Herodotou, Christothea; Hillaire, Garron; Jones, Derek; Jowers, Iestyn; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; McAndrew, Patrick; Misiejuk, Kamila; ; Rienties, Bart; Scanlon, Eileen; Sharples, Mike; Wasson, Barbara; Weller, Martin; Whitelock, Denise (2019). Innovating Pedagogy 2019. Open University Innovation Report 7. Milton Keynes: The Open University (ISBN 9781473028333) 43 pages


Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Hanchett Hanson, Michael; Baer, John; Barbot, Baptiste; Clapp, Edward P; Corazza, Giovanni; Hennessey, Beth; Kaufman, James C.; Lebuda, Izabela; Lubart, Todd; Montuori, Alfonso; ; Plucker, Jonathan; Reiter-Palmon, Roni; Sierra, Zayda; Simonton, Dean Keith; Souza Nevez Pereira, Monica; Sternberg, Robert J. (2019). Advancing Creativity Theory and Research: A Socio-cultural Manifesto. , Vol. 53(4), pp. 443-456


Ludvigsen, Kristine; Timmis, Sue (2019). Writing on the wall: How the use of technology can open dialogical spaces in lectures. Thinking Skills and Creativity, pp. 1-18


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Glaveanu, Vlad (2019). Polyphonic Orchestration: The Dialogical Nature of Creativity. In: Ronald A. Beghetto, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza (Eds.) Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions for Theory, Research, and Practice in Education, pp. 189-206. City: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 978-3-319-99163-4.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2019) Behind the Scenes: How to Research Creative Processes in Multidisciplinary Groups. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research. Palgrave Macmillan 2019 ISBN 978-3-319-95497-4. pp. 353-372


Samuelsson, Martin Per; (2019). Apophatic Listening. A Response to Deliberating Public Policy Issues with Adolescents: Classroom Dynamics and Sociocultural Considerations.  27(1), pp. 1-5.


Glăveanu, Vlad-Petre., , Wasson, B., & Lubart, T. (2018). Sociocultural Perspectives on Creativity, Learning, and Technology. In C. Mullin (Ed.) Creativity Under Duress in Education? Creativity Theory and Action in Education, 3, pp. 63-82. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Egelandsdal, Kjetil (2018). STEPRE – model: Facilitating knowledge development in student groups in Higher Education. In: F. Guribye, S. Selander, A. Åkerfeldt, N. Bergdahl, T. Cerrato-Pargman, & B. Wasson (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Designs for Learning Conference. Norway, 40-46. Bergen, Norway. ISBN 978-82-8088-416-9


Ness, Ingunn Johanne. Polyphonic orchestration - facilitating creative knowledge processes for innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management 2017, 20(4), pp. 557-577.


Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2016). The Room of Opportunity. Understanding how knowledge and ideas are constructed in multidisciplinary groups working with developing innovative ideas. PhD dissertation. University of Bergen. ISBN 978-82-308-3190-8


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Riese, Hanne (2015). Openness, curiosity and respect: Underlying conditions for developing innovative knowledge and ideas between disciplines. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 6, pp. 29-39


Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Søreide, Gunn Elisabeth (2014). The Room of Opportunity: Understanding phases of creative knowledge processes in innovation. Journal of Workplace Learning, 26(8), pp. 545-560

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2019: Co-editor: Antology, KLIM forlag, Dialogic Pedagogy, Creativity, and Learning


2018/2019: Co-editor: Special Issue in The Creativity Research Journal (Ed. Mark Runco)

2018 – (present) Section Editor for the Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible.

2017-10 – (present) Associate Editor: The European Journal of Psychology.

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